

The IDL Seismology Laboratory supports seismological research, collects both inland (seismometers, accelerometers) and oceanic (OBS – Ocean Bottom Seismometers) data. It operates 4 permanent seismic stations in Portugal mainland, which are connected to worldwide data network consortiums like the European Integrated Data Archive infrastructure (within ORFEUS) and the IRIS Data Management Center. The Laboratory is responsible for the design and conception of OBS’s and maintenance and handling of the equipment for field work, including a short period pool shared with partners IFREMER and ISEL. The Laboratory is also dedicated to outreach activities.



Broad band permanent seismic stations (Viseu, Marmelete, Messejana and Lisbon)


60 portable short period seismic stations  (joint pool with IFREMER and ISEL)


6 Short period OBS and 4 Broad-Band OBS


Contact Persons

Carlos Corela | | +351 217500000 Ext: 21131
Nuno Afonso Dias | ISEL |


FCUL, Building C1, Room 1.1.27